Haters to the left, Episodes to the right.


Episode 11

In which Pearl gets a case of machine rage and Frankie cures her with a fool proof ailment...her humour.

Pearl has been noticeably absent from her chat conversation with Frankie....Frankie sends frantic texts and e-mails.

Pearl: Hey, sorry I was just ranting to my mom about my laptop misfortunes.
Frankie: Seriously, what the hell?
Pearl: I cannot even express how loud the fan is. I won't have my laptop for reading week and I have to write two essays.
Frankie: What about those computers I saw at your place?
Pearl: The ones in my basement? Those are computers that my brother built from scratch.
Frankie: Well one of those could be a frankencomputer...You start writing your paper, you go to sleep and you wake up to find the paper written.
Pearl: Okay, I am laughing out loud inappropriately
Frankie: Think about it, the document reads, "I'm so lonely. What am I? AHH I just saw myself in the mirror! I'm a FREAK of nature!"
Pearl: Oh God I cannot stop laughing
Frankie: "Creator? Where are you? What is this about economics? What is economics? Is that me?"
Pearl: Well that took my frown and tickled it upside down.


Episode Ten

Episode 10: Pearl and Frankie discuss the likelihood of their survival in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse

Pearl is watching Dawn of the Dead ...

Pearl:  This is some scary shit - and also product placement galore. During a zombie Apocalypse....DASANI WATER is best!
Frankie: You know it!.
Pearl: In this apocalypse scenario I think we'd be a good team. Mekhai and his team are hiding in a mall - I think if this was the situatio, we should hida in a Costco.
Frankie: Oh For Shiz! I totally want a Costco membership. I don't understand why my family doesn't have one ... actually yes I do: they hate obscene amounts of shit. But I LOVE IT!
Pearl: I don't understand why my parents HAVE one and we never go!
Frankie: Do you think you, Delia (Pearl's mom) and I could do a girls outing to COSTCO!? 
Pearl: ....
Frankie: We'd be "Going Loco, Down at the Costco!", or to put it another way: "Wake Me Up! Before you Go Go. Don't Go Without me down to the Costco"
Pearl: Okay for real though, I'm starting to think a mall might be more fun.
Frankie: Well, as long as you can easily break into the stores. But the food! It wouldn't last long.
Pearl: I know, I know but ...
Frankie:  See! THIS is why you would die first in a zombie apocalypse. You'd be all like "Frankie! Let's go to Marla's! Marla's, Marla's MARLAAAAAS!" and I'd be all like "Pearl - Beef Jerkey!"
Pearl:.... True. I'd be raiding the shoe stores and you'd be getting the (Dasani) water.
Frankie: You'd be all like "If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die pretty." and I'd be all like "Okay, well, while you head to Holt Renfrew, I'm gonna go to Subway. Then I'm gonna hit up HMV - we'll meet back in front of Mmmuffins at a quarter past Zombie-Apocalypse-Imminent"
Pearl: ....
Frankie: Actually ... I think we'd be more like the guys from Shaun of the Dead.