Haters to the left, Episodes to the right.


Episode Three

Pearl & Frankie

EPISODE 3: Pearl and Frankie discuss Child Protective Services as it relates to their own lives, but not before Pearl admits the pressure from work is leading her towards alcoholism, or alcoolism as Frankie likes to call it ...

Pearl: (edited for racism) If this whore doesn’t stop talking beside me I am gonna choke a bitch, just fyi
Frankie: …So… what are you up to?
Pearl: At work, finished a project …finally some sleep slash drinking alone and passing out in my vomit.
Frankie: Can I watch?
Pearl: It would depress you I pretty much chug bottled wine while reciting old socialist era Slavic hymns …begins to sing oh socialist Yugoslavia tito our brother now… so anyway …. Man in front of me is letting his 2 month old chug a frappuccino – what’s the number for child protective services? Your kids must have that number on speed dial.
Frankie: Well, if you must know, Aaden has yet to take that step … although one night he fell asleep while in his study and I saw some paperwork he’s been working on, listing “incidents of interest” and “unlawful conduct by parent/guardian” … I just assumed those pertained to you though.
Pearl: Yeah I wrote those up. I had him spell check; apparently “I h8 ma wife 4 lyphe” is “not permissible in a court of law”. Ugh Aaden and his snobbery – we know who he gets that from. Peace and one love, PearLLL
Frankie: ….
Pearl: … Why aren’t you answering? This better not be some lovely bones shit.


Episode Two

Pearl & Frankie
EPISODE 2: Having mentioned the use of a "friendship tally", Frankie is now forced by Pearl to divulge some of its contents ....

Frankie: I can't believe you can't meet with me until Monday! That'll go in the CON column of my ultimate friendship checklist...
Pearl: ha ha - i need to see that hypothetical list, even though it'd be disasterous for my self-esteem.
Frankie: A sample ...
con: unavailablie, jon-sympathizer, wears Ed Hardy
pro: pretty face, sasafrass, hot bod
con: too pretty (attracts attention)
pro: smart
con: too smart (knew I was lying when I said I wasn't drunk)
pro: held my hair back when I puked later that night ...
Pearl: ... ha-ha
Frankie: Well, I have to have some way of measuring the successfullness of our friendship ... or courtship - depending on who you ask
Pearl: ...
Frankie: ooh no snippy comeback --> Frankie:1 Pearl:0
Pearl: No, my phone is flashing ... I have to call Rogers ...
Frankie: con: cannot admit even most obvious defeat.